Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Help CHHS Chior and help me be able to go to school at SCAD!

Good morning!

Recently, my Highschool chior has been lacking in equipment that we could really use in order to better our learning experience and class overall. Our chair are falling apart, most are missing backs...literally. If I had a picture I would show you be believe me, it's bad. Also, in this classroom there is about 40+ us, all standing on only two sets of very uncomfortable risers. Now imagine 40 nearly adult teens, most being over five foot, crammed together on only about 20ftX6ft of space, all trying to remain as straight and as tall as possible in order to have correct singing posture. Yeah. I can vouche that it's not very comfortable and some of us fall off sometimes. As a result, the CHHS chior and myself have been selling cookie dough these last couple of days in order to raise money to buy an extra set of risers and some new chairs that we don't fall through when we sit in them.

We have a large variety of cookie dough that we are selling, anything from brownie, to snicker doodles, and more. The dough comes in a large tub, about 8-10 inches in diameter and 2&1/2 inches thick. Or you can order for the same price, pre-portioned cookie dough. All of this dough is just $17, no extra charge or fees. I know that might sound like a lot of money for some dough, and I'll agree that it is a bit much, but we need this new equipment and we need help getting it.

Not only this, but if someone sells 6-10 or even more tubs of cookie dough, they will then be given scholarships for college. Now, the way I see it, if you buy a tub of cookie dough, that is only $17, then you are not only helping an entire class, but you are helping someone's future. For $17 you are helping buy someone's education and practically the rest of their lives. That sounds like a pretty good bargain in my opinion.

Right now, I plan on becoming a Conceptual and graphic designer, and wish to learn these skills at SCAD. And it would mean so much to me, if I was able to go to art school, all because someone bought some dough.

If you are interested in helping my friends and I out, whether it be with chior or with college, then please contact me at:


I thank you all so much and CHHS Chior thanks you too!

          -Shayla Kerr